I'm reposting here to a note from a friend (Jesrey Parado Valencia) about his thoughts on having a choice, and being responsible for our choices. Yes, "life is deserve" as some other philosophers have said and repeatedly reminded us before. "Life's what you make of it" others admonish us as well. It's in reading, and writing about these timeless precepts that we get lulled out from the comforts of our self-imposed boundaries mainly by choice, slowly without us recognizing the process. Do I have to tell you time and again that life's harsh, difficult? It can be as rough as we can imagine it to be, not even thinking about our circumstances now. After doing so much hard work at the end of the day, we need to get rested and take time to meditate on what's still beautiful in life. Or we can choose to stop for a while and meditate for a minute. The shifting can get demanding for some. But can be worth it. It's when we need to see beyond the ugliness of whatever surrounds us on the surface, and focus our gaze on this very moment. I choose to think I have wonderful life. I choose to live the life I want. I choose to go on loving, and sharing what I've got.
We Have A Choice
Yesterday at 11:09pm
How many of us is willing to live the life of Prince Siddharta in order to reach “nirvana” or perfect happiness? Are you willing to renounce all your wealth, lifestyle and worldly pleasure, pick up an empty bowl with just your robe and wander yourself to the streets of San Francisco, Tokyo, Paris or even Honolulu? And you would be proclaimed, “Buddha – the enlightened one!” I don’t think so! And the answer would be a resounding “NOoo!”
Well, you don’t have to endure suffering to be happy. It may not be as perfect as what you get in a complete state of nirvana but you can be happy – a lot happier than now.
I am sure a lot of you would agree with me if I say that a lot of us (maybe all of us) have felt shortchanged at least once in their lives or is it an ongoing saga and all you can do is hate and be jealous with the more successful ones? You think that some people have it all and you don’t? It may be simple things such as a bag, belt, shoes and other luxury items to money, a dream job, a fancy car, a lover, sanity or simply a “life”. Well, think again. No man and I tell you No man has it all. There’s that “beast” in us that still craves for more. The insatiable monster inside us eats us from within our deepest core and threatens to destroy us.
In my entire existence ever since I can pinpoint the four corners of this universe, east, west, north… I have always thought and wondered why some have more and some so little if not nothing. Is it fate? Is it eternal damnation for others to live in poverty and for some to just lie on a bed of roses and squander their wealth like there is no tomorrow? First, unlike many fellow Pinoys, I don’t believe in fate who would just wait for anything that comes along and be contented. It’s like waiting and waiting until the bucket full of luck comes rolling by. Well, I am through with that crap. Not anymore anyway. Life is what you make it. It is not served in a silver platter, never been that way! If you want something and been dreaming of it, go get it! But mind you, there is no easy trip. You only get what you put into it.
As far as I am concerned, my career is still a standstill (I would probably never be contented) but I have chosen to be happy. I remember myself one time going out late at night in the streets of Manila and I got to see these poor unfortunate, homeless people. And I definitely felt for them and at the same time, I tried counting my blessings. A little boy wanders towards me and begs for some spare change. I dug into my pocket and found some and gave to him. A big smile broke into his dirty face and with a big “thanks” he left. I realized that I should be the one thanking him and not him thanking me. He just reminded me that I’ve got a lot to be happy about. Although happiness is better felt than said, nonetheless I got to count them from time to time. Among others, I have a happy family, living in perfect harmony; I have two of the loveliest dogs in the whole wide world that give me unconditional love; I have good, sincere and honest friends to hang out with; I can travel wherever and whenever I feel like going to without much worries; I finished my studies and I own a roof over my head in one of the most desired cities in the world; I eat three meals a day (if I wanted to); and best of all God loves me! What more could I ask for? Well, still a lot actually. Like, what I’ve told you, we always want more and strive for higher adventure but that doesn’t mean it’s always bad.
Ambitions, dreams or aspirations are what keep me going. Not much for my selfish end anymore (never been anyway) but more on providing the best education to my family’s new generation thereby seeing their full potential and help a bit to my needy neighbors. I also dream for new technology and inventions that would make our lives even easier and more comfortable to live as a result of people’s never-ending quest for that “good” life. But to that goal, we should learn to smile and still appreciate all the good things around us. The stops we make to help a friend in need – regardless of color religion, ethnicity etc., the traffic that stalls us- going or coming from work, but allows us to listen and sing along our favorite songs, the times the power go out and stop us from watching our most awaited television show and just have that quiet evening with our loved ones and many more.
Today, I choose to be happy and so should you. Sure, life is not perfect but who said it would be? A great thinker once said, “It does not matter how slowly you go, for as long as you do not stop.” And I refuse to stop, really.
Life is good but short. Let’s learn to enjoy it. Hand me that glass of wine honey! Cheers…
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